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A Website Security Penetration Test is the method for evaluating the security integrity of your website by simulating an attack from a hacker. Do not confuse penetration testing with vulnerability scanning (apples and oranges). The objective of a penetration test is to identify and attempt to manually exploit vulnerabilities that allow unauthorised access to the data processed, stored or transmitted by the website. Good penetration testing details step by step how this can be done and how to prevent it.
The key to penetration testing is to clearly identify the testing objective before starting. If you are testing to ensure unauthorised changes cannot be made to your website for instance, this objective should be clearly stated in the scope and addressed in the report of findings. Discuss your testing objective with our Factory Foreman.
It is globally recognised as “best practice” and commonly demonstrates due diligence for compliance to most governance risk and compliance legislation, regulation and standard frameworks. You should do it at least once a year and after any major change to your website.
Fill out the quote form and submit the order. We just need the address; the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the website you need us to test. If you don’t know the address, don’t panic our Factory Foreman can help you.
Don’t forget to specify the exact number of tests you’d like to purchase when getting your quote. Our Factory Foreman will call you to schedule each test purchased. You can for example, purchase multiple tests (for better value) and get them delivered over time when you need them to match your ongoing business requirements.
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